How Driving for Envoy America Benefits Veterans

It may be challenging for a veteran to find a job once their time in the military is over. Sometimes this is due to their inability to market themselves, while other times they have a hard time explaining their skills and talents without using military jargon. Regardless of the reasons, there seem to always be stories about how veterans are not being hired for jobs.

Senior Transportation that Provides Greater Safety and Security


Do you or your senior parent hate driving at night? Are you a little fearful driving as you or they are getting older? If your answer is YES, it might be time to consider an alternative, so that you, or your senior family member, can keep a healthy, active and independent lifestyle without getting behind a wheel. Envoy’s senior ride service and companion drivers are trained and ready to take care of your senior parent, anywhere they want to go!

Envoy America’s Senior Driving Service Recognized For Providing Outstanding Service to the Senior Community at Faith Presbyterian Church

At an annual meeting at Faith Presbyterian Church in Sun City, members recognized Envoy America for providing care and service to senior attendees. With our senior driving service, Envoy has been able to bring over 30+ seniors to their weekly faith service. We take a lot of pride in being able to see our customers enjoy the same quality of life and independence they used to have when they could drive themselves.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Scottsdale Spring Training is Here!


No one is ever too old to enjoy the timeless game of baseball. Do you love the riveting competition, smelling fresh buttered popcorn and singing ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’? If your answer is YES, what better way to spend some time outside than attending a spring training game!

Where will you go this year?

Are you a Baseball Fan? Can’t get enough of Historical Home Tours? What about enjoying Concerts with Friends? You can do all of this and MORE with an Envoy America Driver Companion by your side. We’ve developed “social outing” packages for you & your friends to enjoy events all around the Valley. Packages can range […]

Our Year in Review

Another year has come and gone, and while we know 2016 may have been a more “stressful” year than others, Envoy America was happy to be there to help. We’re so blessed by all that has occurred this past year, and we want to share some of those items with you today. Here’s Our Year […]

Companion Spotlight – Terrie Porter

I’ve been driving since 1978 when I excitedly counted down the days until I was 16. I love variety! I enjoy helping others! Mom’s always said I’m resourceful and motivating as that was confirmed back in 2006 when she became very ill. Hospitalized for the remainder of that year, I like to say that she’s […]

Companion Spotlight – Tiago Cruz

At Envoy America, our driver companions are who really “drive” our business. They have the firsthand experience working with our amazing riders, and craft long lasting relationships; we are so blessed. Today, we’d like to spotlight one of our driver companions who has truly grown into his role with the Envoy America family. Meet Tiago […]